The Sunday Modernism project attempts to examine the relationship between Edmonton’s post-war churches, the city, and religious practice.

Our research examines some of the following questions:

  • How did the design of these post-war churches both shape and reflect changing religious practice of the time?

  • What was the mechanism for including churches in the planning of the city at this time?

  • How were these churches connected to a new sense of hopefulness and the movement towards suburban life?

  • How was the inclusion of religious institutions in our post-war neighbourhoods part of Canada's civilization project, and what impact did it have on First Nations communities?

  • What are the common design elements found in post-war churches throughout Edmonton, and how did these reflect the changing building practices of the time?

  • Are these buildings worth preserving in a modern city from  a historical,  economical, ecological, or aesthetic point of view? What is needed to ensure their preservation, and is it feasible?

By studying the church buildings - how and why they were built - and comparing them with modern church building and city planning practices, we begin to ask questions about the impact of these churches on Edmonton's post-war neighbourhoods, and examine what role they will play in Edmonton's future.

The Sunday Modernism team is grateful to the Edmonton Heritage Council for their support through their Edmonton City as Museum Project and Edmonton Maps Heritage project.